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Use This Not That

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

Welcome to my new blog series “Use this not that!”... Each month I’ll bring you a new product or system for your consideration all with the goal to improve your health, happiness, your pocketbook (you know I’m super frugal, right?!?) and even the environment!

"My hope is that by reading this series you can easily replace everyday items or processes to create better health, less stress and improved well-being for you and your family."

But first, a quick blog about change… because you’ll be implementing these changes all year long. Change takes work. It’s tough. Some people aren’t very adaptable, others are extremely adaptable and thrive on change. I think that’s me.

A really good businessman, someone I know locally, was speaking at a networking event about 2 years ago. He was talking about comfort. If you are comfortable in your small business, it might not be around very long. He said you need to “disrupt yourself” and I loved that the minute I heard it. I went to work, talked to Doug about it, I talked to the staff about it, and explained that yes, we are constantly implementing new things, new ideas, essentially disrupting our workflow and that can be stressful. However, this is how we will strive. This is how we will become the best partners in our patients’ healthcare. Moving and shaking. I love it!

Life is full of ups and downs, achievements and failures. And. Change. Change. Change.

There’s that saying that goes something like ‘The only thing that is constant, is change’. (if you like trivia, Heraclitus, a greek philosopher said that). ;) You learned something today YAY.

So…. the office has been changing SO much and growing, so much. We appreciate your referrals, we appreciate your patience with our busy schedule, and we appreciate your patience with our new, amazing staff, learning their new roles.

Until next time!


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